Website Linking Tips

If you have a web site of your own, then you would definitely want to popularise it. More so when it is your company web site created for the purpose of building a brand image online. The web site design must be efficient and users should find it easy to navigate. But when the web site is ready to be seen, it must be seen! Submissions, networking and press releases are good ways to get more visibility. The most basic thing to do is have a good linking system.

Natural Linking

Also called one-way linking. This is the most acceptable link system and the link simply directs the user to your web site. 'About us' or 'visit us' pages in advertisements and other articles have hyperlinks that direct users to your home page.

Mutual link or reciprocal link

This is a system by which two web sites agree to exchange links between themselves for added traffic. This helps in achieving popularity in search engines.

Multiway linking involves many web sites that enter into a deal to have each others' links on their web site. This again enhances the number of hits to a web site.

Inter-linking through blogs and social networks: this is a method to actually get popular online. Social networks increase web site visibility and are also ethical.

he one thing to avoid is cheat links. Do not have doorway methods to redirect the unwilling user to some irrelevant web site. Think before you choose to host other links on your web site.

A strong link structure will ensure that your web site is visible to the people who get online. Be it search engines or web directories or classifieds, a good link structure works to popularise your web site. Usually, relevant links are preferred by all search engines and web directories. It is advisable to have a link that actually relates to your web site. Stick to ethical practices so that your web site remains in the good books of all search engines. Search engine crawlers frown upon the long links that seem to redirect the users to other pages. Stay away from deceptive schemes and hosting dubious links. But a small selection of good links with different keywords, pointing to your web site is a good method. Your link text should also be strong, so consult the experts to choose the right link text.

Reciprocal link recomended :

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honesty is the best policy... Allow me to leave my follow on...

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